CommCraft has over 25 years experience designing and modifying packages.

CommCraft Designs Packages
Here are a few examples of our packaging work and a little about the strategy behind each design.



Sun Maid Cranberry Raisin Bread

The design strategy was to transfer maximum brand equity in three areas: Logo/seal, color, type treatment, particularly in relation to previous package use of the word “raisin,” and differentiate the line with a background panel for the product type (cranberry-raisin).


Sun Maid Chocolate Covered Raisins
(In stores and theatres)

The design strategy was to transfer maximum brand equity in three areas: logo/seal, color, and type treatment, particularly in relation to previous package use of the word “raisin.” And, since one of the first package distribution channels would be movie theatres, have a little fun too.

Sun Maid Chocolate Covered Raisin Box

Sun Maid Holiday Fruit Cake
Sun Maid Holiday Fruit Cake
(Sold mainly in the Southeast)

Brand equity transfer was a primary motivation with the design of both the package and end cap display shown here. In addition, a touch of elegance was introduced with the type treatment of the phrase “Holiday Fruit Cake.” The ribbon was added for a little extra festive feeling and appeal to the primarily female purchasers of the product.





On store shelves now for Sun Diamond Growers


Sun Diamond Eight Grain Walnut Bread

Sun Diamond Eight Grain Walnut Bread

Sun Diamond’s Eight Walnut Bread was the first of their new bread line. Design strategy involved balancing the impact and equity transfer of the strong Sun Diamond brand along with color equity transferred from other Sun Diamond packages already on store shelves.


Sun Diamond Poppyseed Hazelnut Bread

Sun Diamond’s Poppyseed Hazelnut Bread was the second in their new bread line. The design strategy followed the first bread package design and used the same package type styles and major color elements. Package differentiation was accomplished through the use of a different type color for the bread flavor and the prominent ingredient illustration on the front panel.

Sun Diamond Poppyseed Hazelnut Bread


Sun Diamond Raisin Pecan Bread

Sun Diamond Raisin Pecan Bread

Sun Diamond’s Raisin Pecan Bread was the third in their new bread line. The design strategy followed the first and second bread package designs. Again, package differentiation was accomplished through the use of a different type color for the bread flavor and the prominent ingredient illustration on the front panel.





Past package designs for Regal Electronics


Regal Five Disk SCSI-2 CD Changer

The design strategies were to build equity in the Regal name/logo and also to emphasize the changer’s flexibility and ruggedness. The yellow violator clearly communicated the changer was a dual platform device (SCSI-2 for Mac and PC).




Regal Internal EIDE Five Disk
CD Changer

The Regal name/brand was made more prominent in this design and the jukebox metaphor was used as the theme for the overall design approach. The changer was targeted to the PC marketplace as an internal EIDE device.


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Donec tempor tortor sit amet sodales blandit. Suspendisse potenti. Proin at commodo lectus. Integer interdum interdum purus non lobortis. Ut felis velit, sollicitudin a libero ultricies, gravida scelerisque elit. Integer euismod vitae magna bibendum feugiat.

Sed tempor magna quis feugiat elementum. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.

Lorem Ipsum Dolor

Donec tempor tortor sit amet sodales blandit. Suspendisse potenti. Proin at commodo lectus. Integer interdum interdum purus non lobortis.